Fluoride Water Filtration in Southwest Michigan

Fluoride is a naturally occurring compound that has many health benefits towards strengthening areas in the body that are high in calcium such as bones or teeth. Taken correctly, this can lead to stronger tooth enamel which will prevent cavities and tooth decay. However, ingesting high amounts of fluoride can have serious health concerns on the body. In most drinking water, fluoride is present either naturally or added to water systems to promote better oral health. Water should be monitored to check for fluoride that exceeds the maximum amount in line with the PHS recommendation. To treat and eliminate this problem, Canney’s Water Conditioning provides a reverse osmosis water filtration systems to filter out the excess fluoride from your drinking water.
Canney’s Water Condition, Inc. provides many water filtration systems to assist with water treatment in residential and commercial/industrial applications throughout Southwest Michigan. Contact us with any questions or request an appointment today.

 Where Does Fluoride Come From?

Fluoride is formed when the 13th most common element in Earth’s crust, fluorine, combines with another substance, usually metal. Thus, it naturally occurs in many rocks and soil. Fluoride is then released into the environment when these rocks or soil are dissolved by water. Volcanic emissions or man-made processes also lead to fluoride being released. In addition to the naturally occurring processes, fluoride is also manually added to drinking water. In 1962, the United States Publich Health Service recommended public water supplies contain small amounts of fluoride to help prevent tooth decay after scientists previously noted that people drinking water with fluoride had fewer cavities.

How to Know if Your Drinking Water Contains Fluoride

While fluoride does not have a smell or taste, public water systems are the best resource for information about the amount of fluoride in your tap water. Contact your local water provider for this information. Private well water can only be determined through laboratory analysis. Your local Public Health Department will provide more information for where this can be tested. Since 2015, fluoride levels of 0.7 mg/L are acceptable amounts to prevent tooth decay. However, fluoride levels should not exceed 2.0 mg/L to help protect younger children. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets the maximum of public drinking water systems at 4.0 mg/L.

Negative Health Effects of Excessive Fluoride Consumption

With fluoride collecting in calcium rich parts of the body, any amount of fluoride that exceeds the recommended amount in drinking water can have negative effects. Small children under the age of 8 can develop dental fluorosis which fluoride collects in developing teeth, preventing the tooth enamels from forming normally. In addition, any person who is exposed to higher levels of fluoride can develop a condition called skeletal fluorosis. In this condition, fluoride builds up in bones that cause joint stiffness and pain while also leading to weak bones or fractures in older adults. Some studies suggest that osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer, can also form from excess fluoride.

Additional Negative Effects of Excess Fluoride Consumption

Besides the effects of dental or skeletal fluorosis, excess fluoride can also cause:
  • Abdominal pain and diarrhea
  • Eye irritation
  • Headache
  • Abnormal taste in mouth
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Irregular or slow heartbeat
  • Damage to the heart, arteries, kidney, liver, endocrine glands, and neuron system

Fluoride Water Filtration Process

If you are in an area that has excess fluoride water content, a fluoride water filter system should be utilized. At Canney’s Water Conditioning, Inc., we use filters that remove fluoride via a reverse osmosis process. Through this process, water is forced through a semi-permeable membrane with high water pressure which prevents larger molecules from going further. The smaller water molecules pass through and are separated from the molecules of fluoride among other contaminants, resulting in purified water. We offer a filtration system that utilize fluoride water filters to cleanse all your water sources. Features include:
  • Chemical free regeneration
  • Filtration for potable and non-potable water applications
  • Multiple contaminant removal
  • Long service life

Contact Canney’s Water Conditioning, Inc. for Your Fluoride Water Filter System Needs

Canney’s Water Conditioning, Inc. brings over 80 years of experience within the residential, commercial, and industrial water industry. If you find your water has excess fluoride, don’t wait! Contact us for more information on our products and services or request a free water test. You can also call us at (269) 343-2691 to discuss your water filtration needs.

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