Arsenic Water Filtration

Arsenic is a dangerous substance that is unsafe to consume in any quantity. Arsenic water filtration devices are designed to remove all measurable levels of arsenic from water sources, preventing damaging side effects that could lead to harmful toxicity. To treat and eliminate this problem, Canney's Water Conditioning provides a whole house water filtration system specifically designed to remove arsenic from water.
Canney's Water Conditioning provides residential and commercial/industrial water treatment equipment and services throughout Southwest Michigan. Request an appointment for an arsenic water test, or call (269)-343-2691 to discuss your water filtration needs today.

Where Does Arsenic Come From?

Arsenic is a naturally occurring compound that originates in the Earth's crust and eventually enters natural rock formations. As water naturally flows through these formations, arsenic can break off and dissolve. The dissolved arsenic is then transferred into underground aquifers, streams, rivers, and potential drinking water supplies. Arsenic can also reach underground water tables through industrial involvement, allowing large amounts of arsenic chemicals to seep through the ground.

How to Know if Your Drinking Water Contains Arsenic?

Unfortunately, arsenic does not produce a smell or taste, so detecting it via those methods is impossible. Instead, public water systems are required by law to routinely test for arsenic within their municipality's water supply. Private wells should have their water tested by a state-certified lab at least twice a year, preferably in the summer and winter. Canney's Water Conditioning, Inc. also provides water testing services to ensure your water is safe for consumption.

What are the Negative Health Effects of Arsenic Consumption?

Any amount of organic or inorganic forms of arsenic can be detrimental to the health of the person consuming it. Both acute and long-term effects can be observed in individuals suffering from arsenic poisoning. Arsenic can negatively affect numerous organs and systems within the human body, including the cardiovascular system, endocrine system, immune system, major organs, prostate glands, skin, nervous system, respiratory system, and more.

Acute Effects of Arsenic Ingestion

The acute effects of arsenic poisoning include the following symptoms:
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Numbness and tingling of the extremities
  • Muscle cramping
  • Death

Long-Term Effects of Arsenic Ingestion

The long-term effects of arsenic poisoning include:
  • Skin pigmentation changes
  • Skin lesions
  • Hard patches on palms and soles of feet
  • Bladder and lung cancer
  • Developmental delays
  • Diabetes
  • Pulmonary and cardiovascular disease
  • Infant mortality

What Process is Used to Remove Arsenic from Water?

A filtration system is the only way to remove arsenic from drinking water effectively. Boiling and water softeners do not remove arsenic particles. At Canney's Water Conditioning, Inc., we utilize an arsenic media whole house removal filtration system to ensure that arsenic is successfully removed from your water supply. The media removes arsenic and delivers an insoluble media that oxidizes species in solution, including hydrogen sulfide, iron, and manganese. Some of the features that the whole house water filtration system provides include:
  • Chemical free regeneration
  • Provides filtration for potable and non-potable water applications
  • Multiple contaminant removal
  • Long service life

Learn More About Arsenic Water Filtration in Southwest Michigan Today

Canney's Water Conditioning, Inc. has over 80 plus years of experience serving residential, commercial, and industrial customers throughout Southwest Michigan. We provide a variety of water filtration and treatment system solutions and offer salt, bottled water, and filter delivery. Contact us today to discuss your water safety concerns and to schedule a water test.

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